
Robust clinical algorithms paired with a seamless user experience

Our technology platform

MedRhythms’ platform is a software platform that allows MedRhythms to develop and iteratively refine neurotherapeutics for a range of neurologic conditions. The platform combines sensors that capture real-time gait data with a personalized rhythmic stimulus delivered as music through proprietary algorithms.

This emulates Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation, an evidence-based therapeutic practice that enables auditory-motor entrainment, the synchronization of the auditory and motor regions of the brain, to produce meaningful therapeutic benefits.

By standardizing components associated with application development, data capture, processing, storage, and rhythmic stimulus delivery, our platform provides the perfect foundation for new product discovery, design, testing, and evolution as scientific evidence and experience advance. The design of the platform is informed by over 30 years of academic research, current clinical best practices, and over 30,000 hours of real-world direct patient care.

  1. Thaut, M., & Abiru, M. (2010). Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation in Rehabilitation of Movement Disorders: A Review Of Current Research. Music Perception, 27(4), 263-269. doi:

Click the arrows below to see an example of an end user configuration.

Patient clips sensors onto shoes, puts headphones over ears, and starts a session

 Sensors collect baseline gait data

Our patented algorithms continuously receive real-time gait data from sensors to curate, augment, and individualize clinical interventions for each patient in real-time based on that user’s data.

Patient listens to the music and walks to the beat.

The algorithms constantly assess the user’s entrainment ability and quality of walking, and provide auditory stimuli to progress them toward an objective clinical goal.


Our Pipeline

MedRhythms has a robust pipeline of novel, next-generation digital therapeutics in active development. We aim to bring these solutions to a wide range of patients suffering from neurologic impairments that can be improved through auditory-motor entrainment. Additionally, MedRhythms has a number of research initiatives outside of the pipeline below. Contact us at for more information.


Design & POC


Pivotal Trial

as necessary



Chronic Stroke

Stage: Pivotal Trial


Multiple Sclerosis

Stage: Feasibility


Parkinson's Disease

Stage: Feasibility


Post-Acute Stroke

Stage: Feasibility


Functional Neurological Disorder

Stage: Feasibility


Aging in Place

Stage: Design & POC



Stage: Design & POC

Clinical Trials

MedRhythms is committed to studying our pipeline products in clinical trials with top institutions, including Cleveland Clinic and Massachusetts General Hospital. Read our press releases about trials we have launched below to learn more.